LOCATION: Industrial St 8

TIME: 01:46am

CALLER: Henry Penwood

A stash of illegal explosives has detonated in one of the warehouses. Further investigation conducted on request of the neighboring warehouse owner.
It was deducted that the explosives were set off on purpose.
A few bodies were recovered in the surviving part of the building, all belonging to Scavengers members. All murdered by brutal force or with a small sharp weapon.

Evidence recovered on the site includes a surgical scalpel likely used in the murders and freshly removed cyberlimbs, which is typical for Scavengers.

Some video recordings have survived the explosion, but the quality makes them inefficient. Some of the cameras caught a person trespassing the site, tall, most likely female. Their face is covered by a Scavenger masc with no decals. Indentification impossible. Involving a high-class netrunner seems like an overkill here.
The suspect has seemingly recovered remains of a half-dismembered body at the site. Inner gang feud or a civillian vendetta seem likely.

CASE CLOSED due to lack of evidence.